Kathyleen Beveridge

  • Born in vietnam
  • Came here in 1980
  • Lived in bay area
  • Lived in spain for a bit
  • Moved to San Diego in 2004
  • Received finance degree from SCU
  • MBA from USC
  • Stock broker from 95-96
    • Not for her, inflection in her career
    • Switched career to high tech
  • Thermo Fisher currently
  • HP Inc: Create technology that makes life better for everyone, every where
  • Qualcomm: Inventing the tech the world loves
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific: Enable customers to make the world cleaner and safer
  • Likes to work at companies that help the people
    • Doing something that people want

Why high tech?

  • Service sold is helping other people
  • Macro, or global, impact on the world
  • Generation changing
  • A billion people impacted by qualcomm every day
  • 125,000 employees at ThermoFisher
  • Over 42 Billion dollar revenue
  • Can take a concept and make it happen

Kris Porter

  • Software engineer, SRE, DevOps engineer
  • Livermore HS
  • UCLA for Electrical Engineering
  • First compsci class was in 2nd quarter at UCLA
    • Knew nothing and failed
    • Retook and got a C
    • Ended up being his career
  • Research
    • Center for embedded networked sensors
      • Now known as IOT (internet of things)
      • Learned Linux here
  • Stock market crashed when graduated so nobody hired
  • Startup 2010 email marketing operation
    • Starting to do devops stuff
  • Worked for NBC Universal streaming media infrastructure
  • Moved to San Diego
  • Forced Mort to higher him
  • Started working at twitter around 2 years ago


  • Streaming media infrastructure
  • Analytics Infrastructure projects
  • Twitter projects
  • New DataCenter deployment


The tech industry is very large and has many different components to every company. If everyone in the company just codes, there’s no way that the company can actually function because there has to be someone who’s managing these people and actually telling them what is needed.This panel also gave me insight on how dreams can actually be a reality. These companies all around have so many people working to make the future a better place. It also made me realize that whatever I do should be for the good of the people because both of the speakers today only worked at companies that benefitted the people. It show’s that high tech is a really good field because it directly impacts people in their daily lives and without it, we would not be where we are today and our lives would be very different. This panel gave me insight on how the real world really operates and it shows that our CS class is actually very representative of how companies operate because of the many organizational strategies we use.