
  • Graduates for CS (applied physics!!!)
  • Did ap physics
  • got a D
  • persisted ebcause she had fun
  • did the same in college
  • One of the few cal states that had applied physics
  • wanted to get away from parents but close enough to visit
  • first gen student
  • failed a lot of courses but stil persisted and never let them define her
  • got really into reserarch
  • tests do not define you at all and what is important is to do persist
  • many doors opened through csus,


  • Delinquent in hs
  • started in palomar college right after hs
  • transfered to CSUSM
  • pursued CS degree
  • was only at CSUSM for a semester on campus until he started working there
  • got his bachelors

Computers Science

  • Has to be used in literally every field
  • cant run away from python


  • Poultry farm originally
  • 21st of 23rd CSU’s
  • In talks of building another science building
  • national leader in social mobility
  • Many internship here
  • so many local industries looking to hire young lads
  • Applied physics
  • electronics
  • biological sciences
  • lots of CS options
  • master in cybersecurity
  • Smaller campu; can update curriculum really easily
  • easy to switch into anytjing, all classes are very in sync with one another
  • math is very prevelant too
  • electrical engineering
  • software engineering
  • hackathons
  • women hackathons
  • clubs
    • cybersecurity
    • robotics
    • 3d printing
    • women in stem
    • SWE
    • society of physics students
    • national society of black engineers
    • oStem


  • 4 weeks to 4 years
  • Networking
  • going to campus events
  • join clubs
  • checking your emails
  • try to avoid unpayed internships
  • asking faculty members for help
  • go to a writing center for help


  • Summer scholars program
    • 10 week long
    • payed
    • full time for 6k
  • Quantam bridge
    • 4 week program
    • 1500 dollars payed
    • for csusm admittees


  • Eco research
  • meteorite
  • materials
  • microplastics

Paying for college

  • Grant vs scholarsihp
    • Scholarship is wheree they give you money
    • grant is where you get the money from the government
    • on you to get them
    • scholarship for literally anything like being mexican or doing a certain activity
    • grants for social and economic status
    • 2 types of loans you can get
      • do not get a loan
        • if needed, unsubsidized subsidized
        • subsidized loan partially funded by government
        • unsubsidized loan gets interest payed

Life afterwards

  • got an internship at the safari park
  • companies pay you to get a masters degree
  • Upcoming event there
  • Targetted toward admitted students


  • From this amazing presentation I learned that your grades ndo not define you. You can compeltely fail a class but then go on and do amazing. Youy can get a degree. You can succeed. These people had so many challenges, so many difficulties, and yet got over them. CSUSM seems really cool. The amazing opportunities there along with the small campus and interconnectedness makes the college really cool. The amazing majors and whatnot make this a really good college to attend.