What I learned

  • Overall got a 44/52 on the mc
  • Topics I got wrong:
    • 2.A: Apply the meaning of specific operators.
    • 2.B: Determine the result or output based on statement execution order in a code segment without method calls (other than output).
    • 2.C: Determine the result or output based on the statement execution order in a code segment containing method calls.
    • 5.A: Describe the behavior of a given segment of program code.
  • Overall, it seems that all of the questions that I missed had to do with trouble shooting code and spotting errors
  • In the future, I should work on getting better at spotting errors in code and seeing what is causing a specific error

Q2: Assume that mat has been declared as a 4×4 array of integers and has been initialized to contain all 1s. Consider the following code segment.

int n = mat.length;
for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
    for (int k = 1; k < n; k++)
        mat[j][k] = mat[j - 1][k] + mat[j][k - 1];
What is the value of mat[2][2] after the code segment has completed execution?
  • Notes: I said that the answer was 4 but it was actually 6
  • I should’ve wrote out all of the outputs on paper
  • I was unsure on the answer and moved on because of time


  • Because the algorithm uses a for-each loop to traverse the rows, the row index is not being stored.
  • I chose that “The row index of an element with the largest value in the two-dimensional array”
  • Answer was “The column index of an element with the largest value in the two-dimensional array”

Q7: Consider the following method.

/** Precondition: Strings one and two have the same length. */
public static String combine(String one, String two)
String res = "";
for (int k = 0; k < one.length(); k++)
if (one.substring(k, k + 1).equals(two.substring(k, k + 1)))
res += one.substring(k, k + 1);
res += "0";
return res;

What is returned as a result of the call combine(“10110”, “01100”) ?

  • I said that the answer was “00000”
  • The answer was “00100”
  • What I said would be the result for the method call combine(“00000”, “11111”), for example.

Q29: Consider the code segment below. int a = 1988; int b = 1990; String claim = “ that the world’s athletes “ + “competed in Olympic Games in “; String s = “It is “ + true + claim + a + “ but “ + false + claim + b + “.”; System.out.println(s); What, if anything, is printed when the code segment is executed?

  • I sad that the answer was “It is trueclaima but falseclaimb.”
  • The answer was “It is true that the world’s athletes competed in Olympic Games in 1988 but false that the world’s athletes competed in Olympic Games in 1990.”
  • I missed the fact that the values were from the concatenation and not the variables themselves