Science Olympiad Goals

  • Star Chem Lab slides
  • Update old It’s About Time rules to have the new rule additions
  • Study Fermi Questions and memorize important constants
    • Astronomical distances
    • Cell size
  • Figure out how the Trajectory math works
    • Combine angle equation and rubber (spring equation using hooke’s law) equation
    • Add kinematics to find minimum velocity
  • Learn which elastic band to use and which is best

Robotics Goals

  • Sign up!
  • Explain how robots work and show cool robots from the past
    • 254
    • 1678
    • 148
    • 118
    • 1690
    • 696
  • Learn how center of mass calculations work for the robot
  • Learn CAD
  • Research good claws
  • Research how constant force springs work

CTF Club Goals

  • Learn how to do CTF stuff in general
  • Leadership meeting saturday 9:30 pm

Reflection from Harvard Video

  • Make sure to look at the good things in life
  • Always appreciate what you have and never compare to others
  • Make sure that when stuff does get hard, you are not overwhelming yourself
  • We should learn to stop putting off work till later so that we don’t struggle
  • Really learn to appreciate all the small things in life because it shows us that we are composed of those small things