
  • Beers law

  • Finding the relationship between Absorbance and concentration

  • (A = abc)

Gravimetric Analysis

  • Disolve compound in water

  • Heat to evaporate water, and make sure constant mass

  • Filter and dry to get just mass of the compound

  • Can find percent mass among other things with this


  • Place an indicator around the pH of the equivalence point

  • Keep the analyte below the titrant and slowly add the titrant using a burette.

    • Note initial and final volumes

  • When color change occurs, stop titrating and note the final volume

  • Since at equivalence point, mols acid = mols base, use (M_{A}V_{A} = M_{B}V_{B}) to find the unknown molarity


  • Using Beers law, find the relationship between concentration and absorbance for the substance

  • Graph concentration vs time and get data points

  • Graph (\lbrack A\rbrack\ vs\ t,\ ln\lbrack A\rbrack\ vs\ t,\ and\ \frac{1}{\lbrack A\rbrack}\text{vs\ t})

  • Whichever is the most linear is the order of the reaction, 0th, 1st, or 2nd, respectively


  • Measure mass of substance, mass of water, initial and final temperature of water

  • Use (q = mc\Delta T = \Delta H\ \bullet \ mols) to solve